Does an easy or hard teacher offer any real benefit to the students?
By Mister Wilson-Cory The Caterpillar Children’s Books http://www.corythecaterpillar.com Surely you have heard teachers referred to as easy or hard. The easy tag usually means that they are somehow student-friendly, and their classes are the student’s popular first choice. The tag of hard is given to teachers that perhaps most students have not found pleasant, and… Read more
Are Children’s books facing their greatest battle ever today?
Reading illiteracy was once widespread throughout the world. That is not to say that most of the world is now literate, far from it. Illiteracy would have be an impassable impasse for all books at that early stage in history. The earliest books written for children were intended to teach and educate them. They were… Read more
Is it important to choose the perfect children’s book for your children?
What has figured into your decision when choosing children’s book? Traditionally it may have been bright colors, cute characters, a magical storyline, or a book you read as a child that coaxed you to the checkout counter. The books you selected had something “shiny” that you conceived to be gold or golden. It was that… Read more
Do children’s books belong in the toy box?
No! Children books do not belong in the toy box nor the sand box! They are not carpet surfboards, bike ramps, flying saucers or mud pie platters. They are not CDs, movies, or video games! Our children have plenty of these types of things to entertain themselves with 24/7. Children’s books do not have to… Read more
Is there a reluctance to scrutinize children’s books?
Who says that children’s books must earn passage to our children? This may seem like an absurd question to many parents, guardians, and teachers. Because many of them cannot see themselves being critical of children’s books. A significant number of these adults generally group all children’s books into one homogenous pile labeled adorable. Yes, there… Read more