Written by Mister Wilson-Cory The Caterpillar Children’s Books
Writers from all walks of life and with all sorts of backgrounds are choosing to enter the children’s books arena. Some see an opportunity to try and fill an identified gap or need in the genre while others are seeking to start a new career or business enterprise. Their inspiration may have come from an earlier age or after retiring from another career. The writers may range from amateurs, self-published to published professional authors. Regardless of the writer’s status or position, the goal is to produce a good children’s book.
Writing good children’s books may or may not require any specific expertise. Many books-stories are embellished facts or fiction and may rely more on the writer’s creativity and imagination than on some technical skills. A good book or story can possibly and often does come out of nowhere. The subject or characters the writer decides to feature may come about in a variety of ways. They may have had similar experiences, observations, dreams, or some other intuitive inspirations to arrive at the subjects they choose. There are an infinite number of potential children’s book subjects. For a writer to select one specific subject or character, it must have momentarily possessed them.
A writer’s experience with a subject will ultimately be reflected in the children’s books they produced. It is not their expertise but their acquaintance or intimacy with the subjects and or characters. The writer’s experience with the subject then is what time, effort, and thoughts that the subject or characters are given in the creation of the stories. When a subject or character coaxes a writer to commit to writing about it, the writing may start superficial. But soon the writer is submerged into the subject, the characters, the setting, the theme, and plots. The writer does indeed become ultra-familiar with their subjects and characters. In addition to doing some thought supporting research, the writer’s thoughts become deeply enthralled into every component of the stories. The writer begins seeing the characters true essence in terms of personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Every aspect of the stories appears in the writer’s mind and is thoroughly examined and reworked to their satisfaction.
From this enthralled mindset the writers gain the experience required to create and develop their stories. The writer’s experience with the subject or characters allows them to know, interpret, and translate them for the prospective children audiences. The story will reflect the experience with the subjects or characters by being more descriptive in the text and detailed in the illustrations. The characters will be fit and comfortable in the theme and setting. They will appear fully realized by their audience of children because the writer has given great thought to what children are expecting and need. The plot will seem plausible and believable to the reader or listener and allow the children to imagine the story unfolding instead of doubting their likelihood. The story will have order and an appropriate pace and be easy to follow and to understand.
Writers of facts or fiction need to have experience with their subjects and characters to create good children’s books. If it can be wholly or partly researched, or observed in some way, a prudent writer will have taken these steps. These and other supportive things help writers refine and get clarity on their ideas. The writer’s intimate experience with the subject will then manifest into stories that speak directly to children in languages they can understand and follow. The stories too will be delivered seamlessly without gaps or holes the distract children from the lesson the writers are ultimately trying to communicate. The writer’s intimate experience with the subjects or characters will be reflected and have a great impact on whether children or parents will receive them as good children’s books.
Written by Mister Wilson-Cory The Caterpillar Children’s Books
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